Nicholas Ceren: A Near-Fatal Liver Injury Generic Harvoni | Hepcinat LP
Earlier this year, a playground accident turned into a nightmare for 10 year old Nicholas Ceren of St. Charles, IL. Fortunately for Nicholas, his life was saved by a quick-witted doctor who recognized the symptoms of severe liver trauma and gave the child the medical treatment he so desperately needed.
It all happened in late May, when Nicholas and his friends were playing during recess at school. Nicholas and a classmate collided while running and Nicholas careened down a small hill, crashing into a piece of playground equipment. Generic Harvoni | Hepcinat LP His fall was broken by a protruding metal bar, which struck his abdomen with tremendous force. Nicholas writhed on the ground, doubled over by pain so intense he could not stand up. A teacher brought him to the nurse's office in a wheelchair. The nurse placed an ice pack on his abdomen and called his mother, Jackie, a travel agent. hep c treatment cost in india
"I work about an hour away from the school," said Jackie, "and it seemed like the longest hour of my life. When I got to the school, I found Nicholas lying in a fetal position on a cot, crying. I helped him up and he started going out to the car. As I was signing him out of the office, I happened to glance out the window. I was horrified to see my son lying on the sidewalk next to the car. He was too weak, and in too much pain, to even stand up. I ran outside, helped him into the car, and took him straight to our family doctor. He's known us for years--in fact, he took care of me when I was a child."
The doctor immediately noticed something the school nurse had missed: Nicholas' pants were soaked with urine, a not uncommon occurrence following abdominal trauma. Suspecting severe internal injuries, the doctor admitted Nicholas to the local hospital for tests.
Late that evening, Jackie received terrible news. Nicholas' liver was severely lacerated, with a 3 by 5 inch blood clot. He was transferred via helicopter to Loyola Medical Center near Chicago, a larger facility better equipped to deal with his injuries. Jackie and her husband jumped into their car and sped to Loyola, about 45 minutes away. Sofosbuvir Velpatasvir | Generic Epclusa
Nicholas spent six days in the hospital, four of them in intensive care, while doctors waited for the clot to dissolve. "The regimen was for no food or water for 48 hours," Jackie said. "Then they fed Nicholas and watched to see if he vomited." Fortunately, Nicholas was able to hold down the food. After six days, he was discharged, with four more weeks of rest at home. His parents are thankful that he seems to have made a complete recovery.
"After this happened, I wanted to find out more about 'blunt liver trauma,' which is what the doctors called Nicholas' injury," Jackie said. "I did research at our library to find articles on the subject. But I was surprised at how little there was. I decided to call the American Liver Foundation to tell them what happened, so they can warn parents. We were very fortunate to have a physician who recognized the possibility of severe liver injury. If he hadn't, we might have lost our son."
Earlier this year, a playground accident turned into a nightmare for 10 year old Nicholas Ceren of St. Charles, IL. Fortunately for Nicholas, his life was saved by a quick-witted doctor who recognized the symptoms of severe liver trauma and gave the child the medical treatment he so desperately needed.
It all happened in late May, when Nicholas and his friends were playing during recess at school. Nicholas and a classmate collided while running and Nicholas careened down a small hill, crashing into a piece of playground equipment. Generic Harvoni | Hepcinat LP His fall was broken by a protruding metal bar, which struck his abdomen with tremendous force. Nicholas writhed on the ground, doubled over by pain so intense he could not stand up. A teacher brought him to the nurse's office in a wheelchair. The nurse placed an ice pack on his abdomen and called his mother, Jackie, a travel agent. hep c treatment cost in india
"I work about an hour away from the school," said Jackie, "and it seemed like the longest hour of my life. When I got to the school, I found Nicholas lying in a fetal position on a cot, crying. I helped him up and he started going out to the car. As I was signing him out of the office, I happened to glance out the window. I was horrified to see my son lying on the sidewalk next to the car. He was too weak, and in too much pain, to even stand up. I ran outside, helped him into the car, and took him straight to our family doctor. He's known us for years--in fact, he took care of me when I was a child."
The doctor immediately noticed something the school nurse had missed: Nicholas' pants were soaked with urine, a not uncommon occurrence following abdominal trauma. Suspecting severe internal injuries, the doctor admitted Nicholas to the local hospital for tests.
Late that evening, Jackie received terrible news. Nicholas' liver was severely lacerated, with a 3 by 5 inch blood clot. He was transferred via helicopter to Loyola Medical Center near Chicago, a larger facility better equipped to deal with his injuries. Jackie and her husband jumped into their car and sped to Loyola, about 45 minutes away. Sofosbuvir Velpatasvir | Generic Epclusa
Nicholas spent six days in the hospital, four of them in intensive care, while doctors waited for the clot to dissolve. "The regimen was for no food or water for 48 hours," Jackie said. "Then they fed Nicholas and watched to see if he vomited." Fortunately, Nicholas was able to hold down the food. After six days, he was discharged, with four more weeks of rest at home. His parents are thankful that he seems to have made a complete recovery.
"After this happened, I wanted to find out more about 'blunt liver trauma,' which is what the doctors called Nicholas' injury," Jackie said. "I did research at our library to find articles on the subject. But I was surprised at how little there was. I decided to call the American Liver Foundation to tell them what happened, so they can warn parents. We were very fortunate to have a physician who recognized the possibility of severe liver injury. If he hadn't, we might have lost our son."